XNHAT - just put it on and roll!

Do tell, which way will we go?

May our desire lay in truth, acknowledging, we know not whether the way, or if time, circumstance, and strength are yet to favor our choice.

Of what is past, we have partial, and peculiar view; never to be fully told if it’s to be heard or read. Nevertheless, as the wind which blows to and fro, I’ll let experience be shown; and bid you receive, if you will, in which way you will know.

And so it is, I found myself, belatedly on an adventure with my love – reforming – pedals turning in balanced harmony with my energy, coupled with a motor and battery.

Being supported is lovely, freeing in ways new to me, adding weight in other ways – three batteries per bike for example; one proving unnecessary in the final assessment. Read no resentment for preparation in the former, for we only go once through each loop of time; and I, not alone, am grateful go with more than less. Seeing also, as on our pre-adventure shakedown adventure, a mere 25 miles of gravel, some tarmac, and a section of woods trail for good measure (yet more climbing than our 83 mile route would have), I ate a whole 500W battery in fun; so, I did not endow my companion with confidence in my own power.

There is a marketing slogan, familiar to be by my affinity for a sponsored, Spanish Moto GP rider; suggesting that Red Bull gives you wings – perhaps they will allow me the latitude to share the saying. For, as I sailed along, keeping it just under 20-mph on moderate grades, so I could keep the motor engaged, and easily 10-mph up hills that would have had me grinding along at a walking pace on my analog bike; I am moved with unsponsored power to declare: e-bikes give you wings too! It’s like having a 30-mph tailwind; I suppose that’s another form of sponsorship – supported beyond my own ability – but no one’s paying me to say so – not that I’m not negotiable😉

I said earlier: I found myself. This merits mitigation, as there is no finality in such; nevertheless, what a grand adventure – one I’ll never be again. Yet, I look forward, as such may be, to more in similitude and love of what may be –granted liberty.

Now, if you will venture with me, let’s break from the absolutes of where, what and how – for this flow is transcendent of an e-bike adventure – pieces of what is found, strung together with the symbols I know best; I reform…

Starlight…closest flames I see tonight,

Shakedown ride and final packing is done tight, we’re loaded, and loosened – we’ve not had too much too fast, or overplayed our part – at least tonight…

Now we, free to ride, burn the night and wait for daylight, 83 miles and three batteries to urge the way; we’re as prepped as can be.

Stones, so long you’ve known, reflecting light or dwelling dark, fire pits sparks are no reference, no difference; just warmth amidst cold…always returns to cold – like moisture, drawn to cold.

I can float in the familiar, freelancing my body to favorite rhythm’s; settled and searching, I’m yours and mine and ours – so much more than absolute or exclusive is to be true and whole.

Not everything, yet a good thing; and of the whole.

Shake it, shake it sugaree…I am all I need to be, yours and free to be me – let me be your sugaree.

I’m happy here, now, as it is with love I know to be believed and time to be all I feel to be lived. Dancing in this woods, and I am safe, even if I fall down, there are those with love and care of me; I will be found and kept – whether or not I’m at fault or clean – freedom’s just another word for me. Tomorrow morning I’ll see a deer trotting, hopping through the woods; I’ll feel that is the life for me – I would that they knew me and taught me how to move so perfectly – I could run away, and return I may.

Let the music take background to conditions of reality, rain and gently changing leaves, beauty to mystify…you get confused and listen to the music play – you play nice, you’re gonna harvest wins. I’ll help with the way and carrying wins, or whatever may be…one man gathers what another man spills.

The beauty of rain is only mitigated by necessity, but now as I stand in comfort upon the covered porch, I am in awe and appreciation; whereas then, for the last hour of our ride, I was in awe and appreciation; just in opposition, wet and wanting to be done – back to the car, bikes and gear loaded again (another sense of that after the drive, awaits), in dry clothes and heated seats – but now, where water flows and we observe, in abject liberty; let it be, I say. When in opposition, as mentioned, I was compelled to pause after every major bump, which was the last ten wet, Westbound miles – excepting occasionally smooth edges successfully navigated – to pull the sliding fork bags up from perilously sliding into the wheel, out to perpendicular safety; suppose those SKS anywhere mounts were rated truly, well below the weight of the gear I loaded beyond capacity😊

Appreciation, adventure, and awesomeness share – with this trip – a common beginning, and ending; though not ‘letterally’. As for letters, there are many more which construe the construct of time we’ve experienced, loved and, as we may perceive, lived; for now – always, now is so – let these suffice for sufficient inspiration, I pray, that you too experience love in life and liberty…

Now, let’s geek on just a few touches of the where, what and how:

New Hampshire has, in addition to much else I may note elsewhere, the Cross New Hampshire Adventure Trail; an 83-mile route between Woodsville, NH and Bethel, ME, comprised of a mix of gravel rail to trail, paved back roads, a few miles of main road (up and down the hilliest miles) and a bit of dirt path to balance the lot. There were more miles I willed to have been on my 27.5x2.1’s than those upon which I would have regretted them in favor the skinnier, smoother treads I was on; these were smooth 27x1.75’s with Stan’s filled tubes, and I was longing for the earth-wrapping ride of tubeless; especially considering the aluminum frame contrasting my familiar titanium analog rig.

My friend has, in addition to much else I’ll not here note, a couple of Civia North Loop adventure e-bikes, powered by Bosch; one being a class 1 (pedal assist up to 20 mph), the other being a class 3 (pedal assist up to 28 mph). You can go your own way…but for me, keeping it just shy of 20 was a delicate operation of soft-pedaling; I didn’t ride (though I would like to) the class 3, which can still be in this country without license, insurance, registration and such as other countries require (I call BS; since it’s only working if you’re working – raise a glass to our liberty!).

Together we has, in addition to much else beyond note, 3+ days of great time; powered by ourselves and favorable circumstances, and strength beyond our own (thanks Bosch)!

Fortuitously, from our original plan of mid-August, the weather pushed us back a month, so our Saturday of rest in Bethel, Maine, fell on the third Saturday; which harmonized with their annual Harvestfest – artisan and farmer’s market on the public green – oh, pure New England! This was a boon for my taste in homemade bread, jam, pickled fiddlehead ferns, jewelry, live music, and generally grooving on a true social scene in the midst of a beautiful afternoon.

As serendipity has sway, we were joined by a lovely Russian artist, crafter of tied up jewelry (of whom I had procured a couple of pieces to bring home to my love), for a time at late lunch; as she was, on the way home to family – fleeting beauty – appreciation, for, beauty is free, such are all we, I am you and you are me.

One grand house, all together we dwell, no matter how many rooms we divide; oh, my brother, sister, however you feel to relate, be honest with me – I am no enemy, lest you dwell in exclusivity – then, I suppose, I am to you what you make of me; but as for what is true and experienced in reciprocity, we are...oh, all we are…all, oh, are we all…a question of balance, beguiling the agitated and hesitating. The words of letterical form have wondered with me again, and the rules of where, what and how have again fallen before the form of flowing chocolate - but in truth I’m lost for words; what have I done, it’s too late for that. What have I become? Truth is, nothing yet…I promise I’ll do anything you ask, this time…

Back to the plan; as we were lacking in experience of such a trip, let alone the particulars of the terrain and our legs’ response thereto, we had three batteries each. On the way Eastward from Woodsville, NH, we were conservative, running in lower assist modes for the first half; then opening them up we rolled into Bethel with about an hour of light left. We rode past the pizza shop, the aroma of our desires wafting about, anticipating they would deliver such refreshment once we settled in for the night; we cruised through town, with a quick grocery stop, then out to our Airbnb. No delivery; thankfully we had a rack on one bike, and with a randomly borrowed piece of 2x6, made a platform for voile strapped pizzas aboard; a couple more miles on full power through the night brought it home.

After our refreshment of rest, regarding the Saturday referenced above; our Westward return pushed us racing against the oncoming rain, we used higher assist and made it through a couple of light showers, until the last 10 miles when we found the advancing edge of unbroken rain meeting our effort and desires without consideration.

As we went East, I used 1.75 of 500W batteries with a support of 45% from the motor; and as we went West, I used 2 full 500W batteries, rendering a support of 55% from the motor.

Here we are, so much said, and moreover, feeling what has been; we are all and yet, without certainty: There isn’t any point in being free, when there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.

Note: Lyric references are left free of quotes herein (because i don’t appreciate the division quote marks make), directly include the Grateful Dead, Fleetwood Mac, Lenny Kravitz, Snow Patrol, Wilco; and many others by way of indirect relation.



Cranberry Backcountry Loop


Recap: Heart of WV Highlands Bikepacking