Recap: Shauck Back Short 33

3 cyclists. 33 miles. 2200 feet of climbing. Mid 20’s at the start. Temps hit upper 30’s in the sun. Headwind coming out of the southeast slowed us down in some sections. Gravel was cold and fast with some icy patches. We stopped at an Amish school for a snack/bathroom break. We had a number of barkers and runners, but mostly friendly.

This route is relatively flat with gradual climbs over quiet Amish country roads and gravel. Some highlights of Amish life that we saw included; ice being cut out of a pond and loaded onto a horse drawn sled, a buggy and horse that went out of control on an icy downhill, Clydesdale drawn hay spreader in the field. This shortened route cuts off the southern end of the loop, but still includes the buggy track that travels through an Amish industrial area and farms.

Ray George

Ray founded Ohio Gravel Grinders in 2012. Ray moved to Columbus in 2007 and jumped into bicycle event organization and advocacy by launching Bike the Cbus, Columbus’ only city-wide bicycle tour, currently organized by Yay Bikes! He developed Columbus Rides Bikes! blog and companion Facebook group with over 3000 members to support the Tuesday Nite Ride. Ray has been instrumental in organizing charity rides, including Ride the Elevator, Night of 1000/1001 Tacos, and Yelp on Two Wheels to support many organizations.

Ray enjoys long gravel bike rides in the woods and lunch with coffee outside. He has been featured on a number of podcasts. Check them out on the Featured On section. Honey Stinger Ambassador

Recap: Honey Run Gravel 31


Recap: Mt. Liberty 27 Gravel