Recap: Bladensburg North Gravel Grinder

Flash flood warning be damned! One rider braved the forecast to ride gravel north of Bladensburg, doing just under 44 miles and 4000’ of climbing. What a fantastic route! Lots and lots of gravel and absolutely beautiful scenery with a nice mix of terrain and roads. Many quaint farms along the route with all manner of animals, including several foals. Also saw deer, turkeys, and so many groundhogs! The weather was quite ideal at the beginning—mid 70s, alternating sun and clouds, and tailwind! Cut off a bit of the northern end of the route in an attempt to beat the rain. Turning back south meant headwind and the temps dropped almost 10 degrees as the front moved in. There were sprinkles and some light showers the last 8 miles or so, but nothing bad. This had stopped by the end of the route, so it was time for bonus miles! Checked out the creek crossing south of town. It was too high to ride through, but considering I had started to cramp up climbing Mill Rd. towards the crossing, I didn’t want to climb back up from the creek and waded across instead. Great day on the bike!

Actual track for the day. Creek crossing is on Mill Rd just south of Bladensburg. Cut this loop off if you want to stay dry.


Recap: 2019 Vermont Bikepacking


Recap: Loudoun 1725 Gravel Grinder