Ohio Gravel Grinders

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falling for another beautiful ride

Perfect weather, and pending schedule limitations, called me off for an afternoon to sunset solo exploration from St. Louisville to Camp Falling Rock; 28 miles and 3300’ of climbing in some of my favourite big rolling hills was just the out and back i felt right with today. Some 35 years ago at Camp Falling Rock, there was a mountain bike race, aptly named “here’s mud in your eye”, it was pre-cyclocross (at least in these parts) late winter, ice your drivetrain torture; i have many fond memories of it! So i ventured through that old stomping ground, reminiscing other grand times and enjoying the present, warm, dry and colorful day.

Lots of thought about privilage, and how so much has been handed to me by a system i despise, yet benefit from nonetheless…well, that’s a discussion, and action we can engage in (how willing to forfeit comfort are you?). Here i pass on a recommendation i’m grateful i received; check into this, and check your head: Seeing White Podcast

For now, here are a few pics i highlighted with the color of the day, and still playing in my mind are the Taylor Swift (& Ryan Adams covers thereof) songs “Out of the Woods” & “Shake it Off” (and other snippits of the 1989 album), along with “I won’t back down” by Tom Petty…enjoy as you will!