Ohio Gravel Grinders

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Eva's Road to Recovery

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11/2/2023 - Columbus Dispatch - Cyclist Eva Simons reflects a year after losing leg in dog mauling

12/22/2022 - The Courier - Wanted: Dog Warden To Serve Vinton County - unfortunately the person responsible for this situation was let off with a $682 fine.

12/18/2022 Update - Johnny Velo Bicycles raised over $6500 with their 2nd Annual Clintonville Santa Ride to Benefit Eva Simons Medical & Legal Expenses.

12/16/2022 Update

A statement from the Vinton County Commissioners addressing uncontrolled dogs in the county:

Effective January 1st, 2023, Vinton County will be correcting deficiencies in how the dog pound has been ran and how dog issues have been addressed. We realize this has been an issue and we are working on correcting it. We will be looking to hire a new Dog Warden and to make internal changes to correct issues. We will also be enforcing dog laws to the fullest extent of the law. By law all dog owners are required to purchase tags for all dogs 3 months and older, including house dogs and farm dogs... all dogs.

By law dogs are required to be confined to your property by tether, enclosure or direct supervision. Dogs cannot run loose and you will be cited.

We will no longer turn a blind eye and will be issuing citations for failure to license or control your dog. For those of you who buy your tags and keep your dogs at home we thank you.

12/13/2022 Update - DeFeet socks SOLD OUT. Over 300 pairs of socks were sold in under a week. Thank you for the support!

12/9/2022 Update - WOUB coverage - Woman attacked by three dogs in Vinton County still in recovery while the dogs’ owners head towards a trial

12/1/2022 Update - I surprised Eva with some special DeFeet socks that Shane Cooper sent. #4EVA These socks will go on sale soon on the Defeet website as a fundraiser for Eva’s Road to Recovery.
Eva is at home and we will sort out how to get cards to her. Please check back.

Eva shows off the Defeet socks at her house.

#4EVA Love

11/30/2022 Update -
Eva headed home for more rehab and nursing care. We will try to figure out best way to get cards to her. Stay tuned.

Join Johnny Velo Bikes on Saturday, December 17th for a fundraiser for Eva
2nd Annual Clintonville Santa Ride to Benefit Eva Simons Medical & Legal Expenses

11/25/2022 Update - Eva moved to rehab (again)

Join Johnny Velo Bikes on Saturday, December 17th for a fundraiser for Eva
2nd Annual Clintonville Santa Ride to Benefit Eva Simons Medical & Legal Expenses

11/22/2022 Update

I stopped by to see Eva in mid morning. She welcomed lunch that was not hospital food and a goody bag with snacks and skin care. She was in good spirits but frustrated by the medical industry process for handling patients who need physical therapy. She may be discharged soon or transferred to assisted living for additional recovery time. I will update when that occurs.

11/19/2022 Update from her boyfriend Bob Garrett

Five pit bulls were running loose just days after Eva Simons' horrific incident.

'Victims of Crime' attorney, Mike Falleur recommends contacting state senator Stephanie Kunze to strengthen laws and elevate Eva Simons’ case from the Dog Warden.


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

-Mahatma Gandhi

Let's get this ball rolling.

11/15/2022 Update from her boyfriend Bob Garrett

Eva had her fifth surgery since October 29, when three vicious, uncontained pit bulls attacked her. It was her third surgery in five days.

The three pit bulls’ powerful jaws and sharp teeth ripped Eva’s skin, causing many puncture wounds on her one remaining leg. Some were quite large.

Doc closed some wounds and removed the Wound Vac. But one wound remains open. Closing the one remaining open wound, at this time, would require a skin graft.

The open wound may require a sixth surgery in a couple of weeks to close. The other option is for the Grant Medical team to continue replacing the gauze stuffed in the crater-like hole in her right leg. That’s quite painful, too, even when Eva is on pain meds. Pick your poison.

Eva says she’ll decide after tomorrow’s dressing change.

Eva and I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everybody for your support. It’s been overwhelming in a very positive, positive way.

We read everybody’s comments, letters, texts, emails, and instant messages, but haven’t had time to respond to everyone. Hopefully, this THANK YOU addresses that.

I’ve watched Eva read the many cards and well wishes that arrive daily. It’s quite touching. Eva sheds tears of appreciation, tears of joy, and tears of humility. We are both very thankful for all of your support and love.

Also, I want to give a big thanks to Eva's son Jeremy Simons and my daughter Kelly Foderaro for their support during this crisis.

11/13/2022 Update from her boyfriend Bob Garrett
Eva is out of surgery, her fourth since 10/29. She's having intense pain, the worse she's had since the first surgery. Doc removed more damaged tissue and damaged muscles. During surgery, Doc attached a Wound Vac to the largest puncture wound (about 6-7” x 4”).

They scheduled the next surgery, the fifth surgery, for Tuesday. Since Eva’s life is no longer in danger, if Grant admits patients who are at more risk, they would bump Eva back.


NYHETER24 - Swedish news coverage - Eva, 64, tvingades amputera benet efter hundattack: "Släpades"

11/11/2022 Update from her boyfriend Bob Garrett
Eva’s third surgery is done. Another surgery Sunday and another either Wednesday or Thursday. The Doc wants to get her wounds clean before releasing her back to Rehab. That's the first priority. Plenty of dead tissue and damaged muscles and tendons. Some permanent. It'll probably be another hour before she wakes up in Recovery.

What I find remarkable is how she was crushing PT despite the extensive muscle/tendon damage, some of which Doc says is permanent.

Athens Messenger coverage - Dog owners seek jury trial

11/10/2022 Update from her boyfriend Bob Garrett
Grant Medical moved Eva Simons's surgery back until tomorrow.

Eva crushed PT, but the wound recovery is out of her control. She has multiple abscesses. (Swollen, infected, purplish discoloration pockets of puss.)

Doctors will drain them during surgery. All the same, Eva is really worried about losing her other leg.

11/9/2022 Update from her boyfriend Bob Garrett

Eva Simons crushed PT. The original prognosis was two to three weeks of PT. Today, after just 2 ½ days of PT, the Rehab Center called to tell me they could discharge her this weekend. That’s our girl.

Then, within an hour, I received another call. Eva’s reconstructed right leg is turning purple. An infection. OhioHealth Rehab is transferring Eva back to Grant Medical Center. She’ll be back on the operating table Thursday.

When I find out more, I'll you know.


Columbus Dispatch coverage - Columbus woman who lost leg in pit bull attack is grateful to be alive

11/4/2022 Update from her boyfriend Bob Garrett

Eva Simons continues her inspirational journey.

She earned another promotion. Today Grant Medical transferred her to Rehab.

Rehab is daily starting tomorrow, Saturday. Rehab hours change daily. But will always be during the day. So, if you plan on visiting during the day, call first to make sure she is available.

Remarkably, after such a horrific event, Eva remains focused on the future. Itching to start rehab. And is extremely positive.


Athens Messenger coverage - Dogs maul bicyclist near Lake Hope

614 Columbus coverage - Bike rider who was attacked by pack of dogs recovering in Columbus hospital

11/2/2022 Update

A lot of people have asked how they can support Eva Simons in her time of recovery. A GoFundMe is now active to raise funds for her expected and unexpected medical bills in the coming months. Please share far and wide!

NBC4 coverage - Woman attacked by dogs in Vinton County grateful to rescuers

11/1/2022 Update

Eva Simons UPDATE. I was very lucky to be able to stop by and see Eva today for a little bit. She was in a good mood, positive and sassy.

She recounted the attack to me. I cannot adequately convey the sheer willpower, determination and resilience Eva displayed while enduring the attack by the dogs and subsequent rescue by the three good samaritans who happened to pass by. They saved her life by fighting off the dogs and getting her to the hospital.

Eva has a long road to recovery and has asked that her local friends give her some time to heal before trying to visit her at the hospital. Her family is taking shifts with her in her room. I met her son and Bob’s daughter when I visited. She tires easily because of the constant checks from the hospital staff. When I was there a staff member checked her treatments every 5-10 minutes.

She wants everyone to know that she is reading all of your comments of support. She definitely can feel the love and support from the community. I told her that she doesn't realize the extent of support she has in the community. And I had to chastise her a little because she is disappointed that she doesn’t have the energy to respond to all the comments.


Eva and Amanda - Thank you to Vince Nobel for the photo.

Unfortunately, I am the bearer of bad news.

Many of you know Eva Simons from her participation in the cycling and hiking communities. Yesterday (10/29/2022) three unleashed, uncontained pit bulls attacked her. They pinned her to the ground and mauled her on the side of the road.

Our group of five, including Eva, started from the Lake Hope mountain bike trailhead parking lot near the dam and headed out on the Lake Hope Medium route which heads past Moonville Tunnel. The last house on the left on Shea Rd. has a blue heeler, which we saw sitting in the field playing with a stick as we passed by. We stopped at the tunnel for some photos. Eva stopped to check tire pressure at the cemetery road and we started the climb up past the lookout rock. She was straggling and yelled out that she was going to turn around. She said she would see us at the cars for lunch as we had planned after riding the first loop. I yelled back ok and that we would see her later.

Four of us continued riding the route. When we dropped off Long Ridge back to the cars we saw that Eva’s car was still there, but she was not around. If you know Eva it is not uncommon for her to ride on her own or go for a hike. We ate our snacks and Vince wanted some extra miles since the weather was so nice.

Vince and Amanda were first to the farmhouse (second house on the left on Shea Rd.) and then Frans and I came over the rise and my heart sunk when I saw the bike laying in the ditch. Sheriff’s officers were further down the road and motioned for us to stay away from the bike. Over the next couple of minutes we were given conflicting information from the officers. “She was taken to Logan to the hospital.” “She was air flighted to a hospital in Rio Grande.” “Her boyfriend Bob is at Grant Hospital.” “Her wounds were fatal, but someone saved her.” Nothing made sense. The officers put her bike into the truck to take back to the station and then stationed themselves in the road at the first house waiting for any movement by the dogs.

We were all stunned and in shock. We headed back to the cars and laid out plans to put the pieces together and help Eva. Back on the road we reached out to friends to connect with Bob Garrett her boyfriend. In the meantime, Eva, from the trauma center, reached out to Amanda via messenger and filled in some of the blanks. Our friend Mitzy was able to reach Bob and also get more information. This is what we put together.

While heading back to the car Eva experienced a flat and decided to walk. Around 1.25 miles from the car she walked past the first house on Shea Rd. heading west. The three pit bulls ran out from the yard and started attacking her. She fended them off with her bike but one of the dogs kept attacking her from behind. She continued moving west and was worn down from yelling at the dogs and fighting them off. She ended up falling and the dogs pounced on her and attacked. She fended them off with her arm which sustained puncture wounds. She also sustained puncture wounds to her back. Her lower left leg was so severely impacted from the attack that doctors have amputated her leg ABOVE her left knee. Eva endured 20 minutes of attack before good Samaritans arrived.

Heather Clark was first to the scene and others arrived to help as well. She said “there was a couple in an SUV who used their vehicle to deter them from Eva….I had my large walking stick and swung it frantically at them, just trying to be as big, loud and scary as possible. It was just something that needed done, honestly I didn’t know what to do either. Just that we had to get them away.” Heather and the others saved Eva’s life by transporting her to the hospital in Logan where Eva was life flighted to Grant Medical Center in Columbus.

Some of what the officers said yesterday now make sense, except for the Rio Grande comment.

Today our friend Lisa and I headed to Lake Hope to move Eva’s car back home. On the way home I called the Vinton County Sheriff Office. The officer I spoke with would not say if the animals were contained or destroyed. He said “it was taken care of,” and that it was an active investigation. I pushed further and asked if it was safe to ride or hike in the Lake Hope region because our group has a lot of people who take advantage of the roads and trails. We saw a number of other unsuspecting gravel cyclists in the area. He said yes. I took yes as the animals were contained or destroyed and asked him if that’s what he meant. He said yes again.

Eva is still at Grant Medical Center in the ICU and had surgery early this afternoon and is now resting. She will be moved to a room tomorrow and may be in the hospital for at least a week. Because she sustained dog bites, she will now endure rabies treatment.

Some people have mentioned GoFundMe to help with her medical bills. Bob Garrett, her boyfriend, would like people to reach out to him before going this route. He is actively working on legal representation and would like to make sure it doesn’t cause any issues.