Ohio Gravel Grinders

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Recap: 4-County 140 Route

This weekend, we decided to try out the 4-County 140 Route by Sarah Swallow. This route has 140 miles and over 9,000 ft. of elevation. We took a detour into Peebles for fueling, as well as found a road that was no longer public, and we ran out of daylight so took a very minor shortcut to get back to the car and ended the day with 138.5 miles and over 10,000 ft of elevation.

We chose to start in Bainbridge at the Community Center because it’s much closer for us than Shawnee. It made for a really enjoyable first 84 miles, but that left the last 56 PACKED with hills making for a long day and tiring end.

Starting in Bainbridge, your first water/refuel stop is a Family Dollar in/around Sinking Springs. That’s about 21 miles in. Right before that, there’s a new Heritage General store around 19 miles that is only open on Saturdays. After the Family Dollar, you make your way another 26 miles to Peebles where there was a Marathon station. After that, it’s another 36 miles to the Shawnee Lodge. This is where our sag met us, but I believe the lodge has food and water if you didn’t have sag. After the lodge, it’s about 17 miles to a Dollar General. You’ll see a Crabtree Market on the map, but they are not open on Sundays. From there, you have another 39 miles back to Bainbridge. Definitely doable without support.

The forecast for Saturday was cold but sunny, however we never saw the sun until about 6pm. We also encountered some rain and wind, making it a chilly day on the bike for the end of May. If you’re familiar with the 7 Caves Dirty Road Ride route, you’ll notice the beginning of the route (if you start in Bainbridge) is the same as the start for that route. It’s beautiful rolling hills, most of it pavement. There is one gravel road in the first 20 miles. We encountered some really friendly dogs in this first bit. The next notable part of the route is in the Tranquility State Wildlife area. More gravel here and we had to go over a wire that informed us “no vehicles beyond this point.”

This part was super fun and technical. From here it was really nice gentle rolling hills into Peebles and the Marathon gas station. After refueling at the gas station, we rolled on toward Shawnee State Forest. There is more gravel. here and a really fun creek crossing, as well as gorgeous scenery and fields.

After the first creek, there’s another crossing and then it’s all downhill to Shawnee (not really but mostly). The state forest roads are broken pavement with lots of moss growing on them, but definitely pretty. Keep an eye out for the giant beer bottle in a field.

The next 56 miles were a slug fest of hills and climbing. At around mile 99, the route had us turn right onto Pleasant Hill Road. Don’t do it. It’s not a road, it’s a creek full of mossy, slipper shale. The kicker is, it ends on private property and you have to hop a gate to get back to the road. It’s very easy to bypass, just don’t make the turn onto Pleasant Hill, continue straight and some gravel roads will take you right up to 348 to continue your ride.

Immediately after you turn left on 348, you’ll encounter a Dollar General for refueling again. A left turn shortly after that, takes you up beautiful Crabtree Cemetery road. Really nice gravel. One of my favorite roads of the day. Lots of climbing, many many loose dogs, and some fast, sketchy downhills later, you roll into Elm Grove and a church with some friendly folk. 20 miles of steep, steady climbing later and more loose dogs finds you back in Bainbridge at the Community Center.

This was a super fun route. Initially, I expected it to be a dirty road ride and was prepared to be irritated I brought my gravel bike. And as much road as there was, the gravel that’s on the route is not the nice smooth gravel on many of our routes. It’s fast, sketchy downhills, creek crossings, and chunky stuff that made me happy to have the Kenda Boosters and the company.

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